wHO We Are
A professional higher education consulting centre in Malaysia, Korea and Indonesia.
We bridge and broaden the education opportunities globally. We give personal advises to students and parents. We also provide English programmes and study tour for students to experience universities’ study life. A step closer before a decision on the course is made.

GB Academy 專業昇學輔導機構﹐為國內 SPM / UEC / STPM 以及 Diploma 等畢業生提供了全方位﹐【免費】的海外昇學情報咨詢與輔導服務。著名大學/學府遍布新加坡﹐瑞士﹐英國﹐愛爾蘭等不同國家。課程內容包羅萬象﹐高素質的教育體系更能打開學生們的國際視野﹐開創未來﹐掌握先機。GB Academy 也特別為同學與家長們設有個別的咨詢管道與空間以獲取最新的昇學情報。 為了協助更多的同學一圓大學夢﹐GB Academy 聯同海外大學提供了大學英語進修課程以及<<英語 、海外遊學考察團>>。讓同學們親身體驗海外留學的生活點滴﹐充實自己放眼未來。
GB Academy
Most trusted and respected overseas education specialists for 10 years
Consulting and Information for Studying Overseas
Accommodation, Travel and Student Visa Application